Sunday 27 December 2020

Saying Goodbye

  So today I had to say goodbye to someone,not a partner or romantic interest, but it has broken my heart how hard it was for them, and in seeing that-Having left people in the past, through moving, parting ways for work, short trips even, and more, i know how much it hurts.

And i realised how much i cared about this person, i knew i did anyway, but i did not expect it was quite this strong a connection that it hurt me so much too. 

They were so sad an wondered if they'd ever see me again.
Truth? Probably not. But i will not, could not ever forget them, they inspired me to something, something others had suggested i do, but i was unsure, and they suggested it and i thought, you know what, why not try?

If i succeed, then that is thanks in no small part, to this person.

As i said goodbye, i wanted to say to them, how much they had come to mean, i just didn't have the right words, i had some, but it feels not enough, and it didn't just break my heart for them, i genuinely hurt too, when it hit home that no, probably i wont see them again, it was so hard to see their heart breaking it broke mine.

I could feel that pain, the loneliness. I don't think i will ever see them again, but i hope and wish they achieve what i know they can, they are worth so much more than they think, deserve so much more than they are willing to believe they are.

I had to go too soon, but i could not let tears fall in front of them, not because i am ashamed, but because i wanted in those final moments to remain something strong. I am so proud of them and i hope they remember that

I hope they keep on pushing, achieving, scraping every inch for successes, however small,and realise they are so worth it, so awesome, and i know i will remember them forever